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A Backgrounder on Alternative Medicine for Dog Arthritis

There is a growing trend of dog owners using alternative medicine on their dogs. Most forms of alternative medicine use age-old techniques and medications that use natural ingredients. People believe that since alternative treatments are nature-based that it is gentler on the dog’s system. Another appeal of alternative treatments is that they are holistic - they treat a specific ailment with the objective of improving a dog’s overall health.    
Alternative Treatments for Dogs 
  • Acupuncture in China is practiced alongside modern medicine in hospitals. However, in other countries, clinical tests are being made before it becomes part of standard treatments. Nonetheless, the practice has become more popular, especially in the US.
  • Acupuncture uses needles, finger pressure, and heat on specific pressure points on the body. In veterinary medicine, it is used in the treatment for allergies, constipation, kidney disorders, and kidney disease. It is also believed to be effective in managing the pain caused by dog arthritis.  With the correct placements of needles on your dog’s body, endorphins are released, which block pain pathways in a dog’s nervous system.  
  • Chiropractors aim to correct any bones which are out of position. For this, they use fast, gentle motions on a dog’s musculoskeletal system. A special focus on the spine is made since restoring the relationship between the spine and the nervous system will help in the improvement of a dog’s overall health. 
  • It has been observed that some animals use the healing properties of plants. That is why it is not surprising that herbal medications are being used on dogs. For dog arthritis, plants with analgesic properties will be useful. A dog owner can concoct a strong tonic made of devils claw, corydalis, and ginger might help in the pain and inflammation. Alfalfa or meadowsweet can also be used. You can read my previous entry, Arthritis Treatment with a Natural Twist for more information. 
  • Homeopathy is 200-year old healing practice which aims to aid and stimulate a dog's own immune defense system. The treatment uses substances that cause symptoms in a healthy dog but cure similar symptoms in an unhealthy one. To determine the substances to be used, a homeopathic practitioner will need to analyze a dog’s lifestyle and environment. 
Alternative Medicine and Dog Arthritis 
Modern veterinary medicine uses painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, supplements, and surgery to treat dog arthritis. Even with these treatments available, more dog owners are now considering the use of alternative medicine for their dog’s arthritis. However, are these safe and effective? 
Although most vets are not closing their doors to alternative medicine for dog arthritis, it does not mean that they fully support it as well. It cannot be denied that there are cases where the alternative treatment worked but this does not mean it will work for all dogs. Alternative medicine should never replace standard treatments but should complement them.

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