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Instant Weight Loss Remedies for Family Pets Suffering From Dog Arthritis?

Controlling your pet's weight will help reduce the pain and swelling associated with dog arthritis. Diet and exercise are still the safest methods. However, it takes some time before your pet loses weight, which is why some people look for quick fixes.

There are some dietary supplements that may (I repeat may) help you moderate your dog’s weight. The following are common food dietary supplements:

• DHEA (DeHydroEpiAndrosterone)
• Slentrol
• L-Carnitine
• Green tea extract
• Chromium
• Chitisan and other fat absorbing drugs
DHEA (DeHydroEpiAndrosterone)
DHEA produce good results in some dogs. It works by decreasing the quantity of fat stored in your dog’s body. It also has these extra results when administered in 5-25mg daily doses:
• Stimulates muscle building even though its anabolic activity is about 1/50th of traditional anabolic steroids.
• Helps build the immune system and it is considered to lessen the possibility of cancer.
• Improves the benefits of insulin and helps nutrient delivery from the blood into the body’s cells which encourages weight loss.


A prescription medication, it traps fats in the intestines leading to your dog feeling full and eating less. Reports by the maker, Pfizer, indicated a 12% weight loss over 4 months even without a special diet.
Slentrol is a controversial drug that does not always give good results, however you can possibly consider using it in these circumstances:

• If you feed your dog doggie snacks as part of a bonding program≥
• Your dog’s metabolism does not stimulate weight loss.
  • Multi-dog households where dogs share common meals.
  • Dogs suffering from pain and immobility where exercise is hard.

This amino acid helps bring about fat metabolism and energy production. Scientific studies likewise show that L-Carnitine assists with weight loss and muscle mass maintenance.

Green Tea Extract

A common ingredient in human weight loss supplements, green tea extract has Epigallocatechin gallate (a type of catechin) that has shown to lower obesity in mice. It works by decreasing energy absorption and increasing fat consumption (oxidation). Don’t purchase the human variety as it may carry caffeine.


Chromium does not seem to do much to encourage weight loss in dogs and is no longer suggested by vets.


Chitisan is produced from shellfish and introduces fiber to the body. It is thought to bind fats and prevent them from entering the bloodstream, but its effect have not been fully confirmed. Like Chromium, vets no longer consider it for dog weight management.

What to Do Next..

You know that weight loss is the most important thing you can do for dog arthritis but there is no magic bullet for your dog’s weight management. Read my blog or consult your vet to get the right diet, safest fitness routine, and the best weight loss pill for your family pet. With weight loss, the symptoms of dog arthritis can be minimized and your dog can regain its bounce.

Weight Loss Remedies (PDF)

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